Small Banner AD
$30.00 – $250.00
Want to showcase your business loud and proud? Choose this small banner ad featured on rotation on the right side of choice pages and articles on the POB website!
Receive a POB sticker and t-shirt when you run an ad for 1 year AND 10% off promo code for future purchases of POB merchandise!
Need to have the art designed for you? Be sure to add the ad creation to your purchase!
*Must be a member in good standing to POB and ads must be approved.
Size Requirements:
Placing an ad on the POB website
When submitting your ad design, make sure it fits within the posted size for your ad choice and is easy to read. We recommended to include your logo, phone number or social media information. We recommend including a landing page on your website or a POB promo code to assist in tracking traffic from your ad.
Ad design is not part of the cost, Websites by Patriots offers design services for an additional fee. We do not offer analytics for your ad however, if you use google analytics you can see who has visited from POB. POB cannot guarantee how many visits you will receive from your ad, we make every effort to promote your business thru your ad run time. POB cannot control the individuals that visit your site or contact you thru your ad. Your ad will run on the POB website thru the duration of the agreed upon time and you will have the opportunity to renew your ad before it expires.